Throughout history, people have sought ways to get in touch with their spirituality and understand the lessons is has to offer.
Throughout history, people have sought ways to get in touch with their spirituality and understand the lessons is has to offer.
Spiritual experiences can come upon you unbidden, at a time or place where you least expect them. There is also ways to enhance or induce your experience(s).
A traditional method- as used by Shamans, witch doctors and medicine men- is to subject the mind and/ or body to an extreme state. This could include chanting, fasting, taking drugs, exposing the body to heat or cold, and so on. The aim is to induce an altered state of consciousness, for example an ecstatic trance. The near-death experience is an extreme example of altered consciousness brought on by trauma or illness. It is not advisable to follow these methods, however, since they are extremely dangerous. There are other, gentler, paths toward spirituality, including Meditation- a self-directed practice for relaxing the body and calming the mind. Any type of meditaiton has the ability to bring on a spiritual experience. Techniques such as visualization can help, as can meditating in a specific location or with a particular individual.
Another way is through dreams. Visions and visitations are more likely to come to you in your dreams than at any other time. Get into the habit of keeping a dream diary (in which you must write as soon as you wake up), and practice visualization techniques to enhance your dream recall.
Last is trance, many people argue that a hypnotic trance can induce spiritual experiences, particularly through the use of the controversial hypnotic regression technique- is a mental state or set of attitudes and beliefs usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic induction, which is commonly composed of a series of preliminary instructions and suggestions. This technique claims to uncover memories of your previous lives. Trances can also be self-induced- a technique often used by Shamen to meet spirit guides such as animal spirits or ancestors.What does it all mean? The true challenge of a spiritual experience is to discover its meaning and significance. Often such implications may be hidden, only to become apparent later, but you have to work them out for yourself. Almost everyone who has a spiritual experience reports that they feel profoundly changed. May you have one, view it as an opportunity and a blessing. Open up your mind and body to a spiritual level and induce to the experience; let go!
"Harmony and peace, love and joy surround me and indwell me. I am safe and secure." -L. Hay
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